
Transcripts of the sermon audio were automatically generated using Whisper automatic speech recognition. There are occasional transcription errors, but the error rate is acceptable given the audio quality and the transcription model used for processing the audio. However, sometimes a transcription error (a missed word or mistranslated word) may cause a change of meaning. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult with the actual audio to verify a questionable transcription.

There are two formats of the transcripts available:

Note: Apparently, Google no longer provides search capability for publicly shared Drive folders (except for files that you have already opened). Therefore, a better way to search all of the transcripts is to use a download option ("DOWNLOAD ALL" button or "Download" selection from the folder drop-down menu) to download a ZIP file to your computer. Once downloaded, unzip it and use the search capability of your computer to search the transcripts. See the images below for an example.